Monday, July 13, 2009

Melanic form of Variable Ladybird (continue from the previous post)

A ; B
C; D
A. Spectabilis form; B. Spotted form; C. Spotless form; D. Melanic form
Yes, it was the melanic (black) form of Coelophora inaequalis. My first observation: Mating the black form (previously thought as Curinus coeroelous) with the spectabilis form of Coelophora inaequalis: And it took place!. So, the black form was not Curinus coeroleous after all! Instead it was the melanic form of Coelophora inaequalis. I was lucky to collect it since, during my previous observations, I have never come across the melanic form, not even once, all I have usually encountered were the spectabilis, spotless orange color and spotted formae. In one book on Indonesian ladybirds, it stated that there is a melanic form of Coelophora inaequalis. So, I was very sure that the one that I caught was the melanic form. I am waiting for another two obersevations....

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Cheeky Ladybirds....